WEEK 9: Prototype and testing

In week 9, we continued to refine our final prototype. We added duct tape to cover the edges and slimmed a few pages down by cutting them to help them slide in and out of the iPad.

Each page includes an avatar in the top left-hand corner. The avatar changes to resemble the outfit and props that the user has selected. We also created duplicates of the Avatar, Progress and Food Plate pages so that we could use them for testing. This testing will include surveying users to determine if they prefer certain aspects on pages. We will also ask them to locate certain buttons to test the user-friendliness.

The concept is the same for both of the Avatar pages but the layout is different. The user has the ability to turn their avatar on a 360° angle to ensure that they are happy with their clothing and prop choice. There is also a small progress bar at the bottom to show how far away the user is from the next upgrade. We will continue working on pages to determine which mental health issues are relevant for the preventative measure. Along with the two afore mentioned pages, we are considering testing with the ‘Food Plate’ page. This page allows the children to create a healthy meal through gamification.

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