WEEK 10: Testing and presenting

During the week, our group conducted testing of various pages.

We discovered that majority of people responded more to ‘Avatar page 1’:

in comparison to ‘Avatar Page 2’:

We also asked people to locate the 360° navigation button on the same page:

We also tested the ‘Food Plate’ page by surveying people on a scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree. This allowed us to adjust the pages layout and design.

During our seminar on Thursday, we presented our prototype to the class and lecturers. Unfortunately, the audience was not as receptive to the solution as we had initially hoped. Our presentation was ill-managed. One of our group members did not come and we did not receive all aspects of work on time. As we had delegated sections to each person, this made it difficult to present our findings. Overall, I am unsatisfied with the outcome and would make many changes if given the opportunity. This all stems from poor organisation on our part and a lack of communication. The process was frustrating but allowed me to reflect on the importance of patience during group work. Innovative thinking is a process that I am new to and will continue to improve upon.

ADD101 has been a unit like no other than I have studied. I am intrigued by it’s foundations and am interesting in pursuing it as a minor for my degree. This assignment has been an interesting starting point and I will reflect upon the positives and negatives when addressing my next ‘wicked problem’.

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