WEEK 7: Ideation and prototype

After revisiting the wicked problem, we decided that nurturing mental health was the key to success. We spent this seminar brainstorming ideas as to how to reduce the risk of poor mental health. This included implementing more physical activity, interactive programs and strengthening social skills. After careful consideration, we decided that introducing a gamified web-basedContinueContinue reading “WEEK 7: Ideation and prototype”

WEEK 6: Seminar slides and a Paper Centrifuge

As I was unable to attend the week 6 seminar, I caught up on the seminar slides in my own time. There is an emphasis on four rules that are suggested by Osborn (2009):1: Delaying judgement by encouraging ideas instead of deflecting them2: Getting crazy with your ideas3: Brainstorming a large amount of ideas4: BuildingContinueContinue reading “WEEK 6: Seminar slides and a Paper Centrifuge”


After picking up where we left off in Week 4, our group quickly realised that we were not delving deep enough into the wicked problem. We had steered too far ahead and not humanised the issue. Why are people turning to their phones? Is it an escape? And if so, what are they escaping from?ContinueContinue reading “WEEK 5: REVISITING THE AFFINITY MAP”


The week 4 seminar consisted of our team constructing an affinity map. We based this on online research. By referring to last weeks mind map and empathy map, we gathered large amounts of information and then bundled them into categories. We did individual research on our computers whilst speaking about the articles that we wereContinueContinue reading “WEEK 4: AFFINITY MAP”


This week our team began brainstorming ideas for our upcoming group assessment. We were deciding between creating a form of communication for non-verbal people or encouraging people to stop looking at their mobile phones. We decided to move forward with discouraging the use of phones whilst driving. As P plate drivers aren’t allowed to talkContinueContinue reading “WEEK 3: MOBILE PHONE SOFTWARE”

The Social Spin: A Podcast

Hey guys! Today I come to you with something very exciting. (Imagine a drum roll right about… now). Embedded in this blog post is the very first of a podcast mini-series! This series will focus on issues that are impacting social media. In particular, the issues that have the ability to change the world asContinueContinue reading “The Social Spin: A Podcast”

Apps to organise your first year at Deakin

So, you’ve been accepted into Deakin University. Congratulations! Now what? If you’re anything like me, you’ll want to approach this journey with as much confidence as possible. How do you get started? Better yet, how do you keep that motivation rolling? I’ll let you in on a little secret… organisation is the key. This isContinueContinue reading “Apps to organise your first year at Deakin”

An online identity divided by platforms

In the digital age, your online identity is often your first impression. With creative and calculated self-promotion, you can build opportunities for yourself that may not have been possible without the assistance of the internet. You are creating a brand. As famously stated by Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, ‘Your brand is what peopleContinueContinue reading “An online identity divided by platforms”

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